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Is Gum Disease A Result Of Genetics?

Oct 09, 2020

There are instances where patients are more vulnerable to gum disease than others. In several more cases, patients may cite their family history as a possible reason for developing gum disease or periodontal problems. Some studies may indicate this correlation, but it is important to note that your family history does not mean that you are destined to develop oral health problems or gum disease in the future. There are a number of other factors that play a role in gum disease.

What Other Factors Cause Gum Disease?

Insufficient Oral Hygiene: This is the most common cause of periodontal disease. inadequate brushing and flossing habits can allow plaque to develop on the teeth and harden. This causes the gum tissue to become infected, which contributes to other oral health conditions.
Tobacco Products: Smoking increases your risk of disease and also makes successful treatment more difficult.
Diabetes: If diabetes continues to progress and develop, you may be more susceptible to infections of the gums and bones.
Dry Mouth: A dry mouth allows bacteria to grow, which can lead to the development of periodontal disease and other conditions.

How Can I Prevent Periodontal Disease?

Regular daily brushing: Removing food debris and plaque is important for reducing the chances of gum disease. In addition, flossing each day can help remove the plaque that appears along the gumline that most toothbrushes cannot reach.

Regular mouthwash: Use a mouth rinse each day to clean out any remaining food particles and eliminate bacteria in your mouth. helps to wash away remaining food particles and kill bacteria in the mouth.

If gum disease is prevalent in your family history and you have questions about whether you might be affected by this condition, contact your dentist or endodontist today. A root canal can also be a solution to treat teeth affected by a disease.